环球名师手把手带你攻破雅思口语part 3
2016-05-16 小编:cherry 0


  第一,Part 3也能“自然移接”?

  环球教育雅思口语名师建议大家将Part 1的万能语料以及Part 2的已准备过的素材进行Part 3的自然移接,这样可以大大减少备考痛苦,并有效提分。下面通过一个实例让大家明白这个道理。

  曾有一位烤鸭在Part 2部分被考到的是company话题,很开心,因为当时她在环球教育雅思口语预测资料库里找到了免费的预测并且在自学时把该题目练习地超级熟练,在Part 2的时候表现的很不错,结果考官问到Part 3的第一个问题是“Can you describe another company to me briefly?”这位同学就慌了,不知如何回答。

  其实这位烤鸭完全可以套用Part 2其他话题的素材,例如动物、旅行或餐厅呀(dinner,eating都是准备过的Part 2素材)!下面给大家还原一下具体的Part 3考试现场。


  Examiner: Can you describe another company to me briefly?

  Candidate No.1 (这位方了的烤鸭): Well, um… Maybe I can describe a shoe shop. This shop is very good. The shoes there are very beautiful and fashionable.

  大家想一想,如果你是考官,你会给这个答案几分呢?会是高分吗?(PS:千万不要拿Part 1的答案标准来衡量Part 3)再来看看下面这位脑洞开了的运用了自然移接的答案:

  Examiner: Can you describe another company to me briefly?

  Candidate No.2 (自然移接型): Well, I’d like to say a middle-sized special company called “Animal World” that is a meaningful company keeping some animals and introducing various knowledge about animals to children. For instance, when I took my little cousin to “Animal World” last week, we saw an interesting animal there, and that was a yellow weasel. At the beginning, I did not know what it was, and then the staff of this company told us quite many stories about it. It was not big, a little bigger than mouse, with one small head and two tiny eyes.It runs fast with four short legs and a big tail. Fur of it was brown, beautiful and glossy. Due tothe good service in this company, we also learned that in Chinese culture and legend yellow weasel can become immortal after many years refinement. I sincerely hope this kind of companies can be opened more and more.

  大家请注意,此时Part 2准备过的动物素材就这样移接过来了,而且会有不错的词汇和句型哦~Did you get it?

  第二,Part 3想不到扩展点?


  比如考官常在Part 3问这种问题“What do people in your country like to do in the spare time?”此时,很多烤鸭可能会一两句就没词儿了,事实上针对这一类问题,大家完全可以用思路扩展法之一“Group”(分组法)来解决,大家可以选择通过不同的age groups来进行丰富扩展,具体说来,可以选择从children,middle-aged people和elders三个角度出发或者任选其中的两个组别来进行扩展,这样内容自然就丰富了起来。我们来看一个例子

  Examiner: What do people in your country like to do in the spare time?

  Candidate: Well, it really depends, but from my point of view people of the same age group might have similar ways of spending spare time. An instance in point is that the majority of children are probably keen on playing some games with their peers and having a big meal orappetizing snacks in their spare time. On the contrary, most elders might be partial to taking astroll after dinner and even having square dance in their community or the park. Namely, exercising the body becomes the theme of most seniors’life.

  大家可以看到,以上答案虽不难,但是如果你在Part 3考试中能够流利地表达出这样的篇幅来的话,是不是也比无从下手好了很多呢?




    《考官给口语Part 3打分的秘密是?》


  这里还要给大家介绍一个环球教育口语名师的独家秘笈——“结构增强法”,指的是让大家从Part 3的语言角度来获得更赞的Grammatical range and accuracy(评分标准之一)方面的提升。

  根据雅思口语历史上的所有高频Part 3题目分类,进行又准备的各种语法点的展现,考试直接带入即可在考场上“临危不惧”地使用了。而所有这些高频分类,环球教育名师早已花费大量的时间为大家妥妥地归纳和总结好了。环球教育雅思口语7+高分班中,大家就可以见到完整的真面目了。下面给大家展示出一个例子如下,供自学的同学进行参考:

  当考生在Part 2遇到新题“a trip you dislike but often take一个你常去但又不喜欢的旅行”,回答时,烤鸭提到因为污染而不喜欢这样的旅行时,就可能被考官问到下面的Part 3问题:

  What should be done in order to solve the problem of environmental pollution?

  Candidate 1(无技巧型): I think governments ought to make better laws, and people’s awareness of protecting the environment should also be improved.

  What should be done in order to solve the problem of environmental pollution?

  Candidate 2(魔力药水型): If the problem of environmental pollution is urgent to be solved, both governments and individuals need to take their measures. Above all, what governments must do is to make better regulations to solve the problem radically. A specific instance is thatthe pollution from production in factories especially chemical factories should be restricted appropriately under the censorship of governments. In addition to it, what people must pay attention to is that their awareness of protecting the environment ought to be enhanced to a large extent as well. Accordingly, taking public transports in a more frequent way, people can make contribution to the reduction of car emission. Only when people work together, can the pollution problem be tacked effectively. (还用了倒装哦)

  有了多样的句型,实现了grammatical range and accuracy(评分标准之一:语法多样性和准确性)的提前准备以及思路上的准备,是不是fluency and coherence(评分标准之一:流利度和连贯性)也会由于练习过而有明显进步呢?





    《考官给口语Part 3打分的秘密是?》


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